The basic P22 license is intended to accommodate personal use as in the course of everyday correspondence and document writing, or in the design of self-promotion pieces like business cards, newsletters and brochures. You may transfer the original software to another party provided All materials, including back-up copies are transferred and that the recipient agrees to the licensing terms and conditions contained in this agreement, and all copies are removed from the originating end user's (your) devices. Upon completion of job, service bureau must delete the font software or purchase their own license.-To calculate the required additional license, call P22 at 7 or visit: to receive a quote.One copy of the font software may be made for backup. Work transported from one distinct network to another distinct network, via a laptop requires each network to be licensed properly.Additional licensing is also required if you are installing the font(s) on more than 5 devices (Site License), or a LAN/WAN Server with more than 4 devices, or, if you and/or additional users will have access to the font(s) at more than one location (Corporate License), or, if your printer/service bureau is installing the fonts for job output for more than one-time use (Service Bureau). Simply working offsite on a laptop is permissible in the basic license and is regarded as an extension of the site. A laptop may be one of the devices in the basic license of 5 devices as long as the laptop is associated primarily with the licensed location. Platform refers to operating systems designated as 'Macintosh', 'Windows' or other. A site is defined as one physical location.